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  • Ross Bridge Tasmania – Studies in Historical Archaeology – Maureen Byrne

    Ross Bridge Tasmania – Studies in Historical Archaeology – Maureen Byrne

    Maureen Byrne was a professional archaeologist which makes this “local history” rather more honed and full of well researched fact.

    Anyone who loves Tasmania either as a local or a visitor cannot help fall in love with the town of Ross and its magnificent convict built bridge.

    Published in 1969 by the Australian Society of Historical Archaeology in conjunction with the Ross Council and its then appointed Bridge Restoration Committee .. now there’s a worthwhile cause.

    Squarish perfect bound card covered, 51 pages with folding plans at rear. Extensively illustrated from photographs taken by the author. A very good copy.

    The bridge was to undergo restoration with the removal of badly laid thick tarmacadam … this was the chance to call in the expert Byrne. A special record was made … the best part being something that could have received better treatment earlier .. 186 carvings, 31 over the top of each arch. Among the carvings along with those involved in the creation of the bridge we have … Jorgen Jorgensen the Danish adventurer then part of life in Van Diemens Land; Governor George Arthur resplendent in his top hat; John Headlam a hated school master in his mortar board; William Kermode a local grazier .. along with horned goods and wild beasts.

    Comparison with Italian bridge architecture add interest.

    The Ross Bridge rivals European Bridge Architecture with its numerous carvings.


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  • Discovery – Stories of Modern Mineral Exploration – Alan Trengove

    Discovery – Stories of Modern Mineral Exploration – Alan Trengove

    A fine copy of the first edition published by Stockwell Press in 1979.

    Octavo, 278 pages, illustrated from photographs and numerous maps of mineral areas.

    Starts with the “Forgotten Frontier” … Cape York and the Weipa area. Then the Bowen expanses, Pilbara before the arrival of the super mines, Gold and the advent of the offshore drilling ships. Closes with an appendix “A History of Resources of Metallic Ores” by King. Well its all a history really.

    What is now a super background to the history of mineral exploration in Australia.


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  • North British Australasian Company Limited – Delay on Wool Clip creates liquidity issues – 1892

    North British Australasian Company Limited – Delay on Wool Clip creates liquidity issues – 1892

    Original manuscript letter from the Company Secretary of the North British Australasian Company Limited from their headquarters at 10 Moorgate Street, London E.C. dated 5th July 1892.

    Addressed to Cochran Macpherson who were likely the lawyers of 152 Union Street, Aberdeen who were no doubt attending to their wily Scottish clients interests.

    I legible hand but for ease of reading … “Dear Sirs, I am in receipt of your letter of the 1st inst and in reply beg to say that the delay in the payment of the Guaranteed interest is owing to the non-arrival of the greater part of the Wool Clip. We have however received a Cablegram saying that same is being pushed forward and expected to arrive here in September. On the completion of the sales whatever amount remains after meeting out-goings in the Colony will be appropriated for interest on the Guaranteed Stock. A payment on account would have been made ere this had it been possible to have sold a large quantity of surplus Live Stock on the Stations at the present time but prices are so extremely low that we are prohibited from doing so .. ”

    The North British Australasian Company were formed in the early 1840’s and by the time of this letter had extensive interests in Australia.

    What at first hand may be a routine business letter … reflects the difficulties facing the Australian agricultural sector to this day … overstocking when prices are low, delays caused by unforeseen reasons and shareholders expecting guarantees when they cannot be fulfilled.

    10 Moorgate is a beautiful building now occupied by ING Group.

    Liquidity Issued Politely Explained
    NB – Postage will be reduced on final billing


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  • Cook the Discoverer – George Forster – Fine Edition

    Cook the Discoverer – George Forster – Fine Edition

    Small quarto, number six in the prestigious Maritime series published by Hordern House in 2007. Limited to 1050 copies, 276 pages, bound in quarter tan kangaroo with speckled papered sides. Fine condition as new.

    The book includes a facsimile of the original book published in the German language with a new English translation to follow. Copious notes and a good bibliography the whole supported by an excellent introduction by Nigel Erskine, Curator of Explorations at the Australian National Maritime Museum.

    It was eight years after the death of Cook that Forster completed his essay on the great man Cook der Entdecker (Discoverer). Partly written as an introduction to Forster’s own translation of Cook’s Third Voyage. Foster had participated in Cook’s second Voyage along with his father who had taken over as naturalist with Joseph Banks dropping out. Forster displays a true understanding of the character of Cook and that alone makes his viewpoint worthy of this sumptuous presentation.

    Forster required reading for all Cook followers


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  • Shores of Macquarie Island – Isobel Bennett – 1971

    Shores of Macquarie Island – Isobel Bennett – 1971

    A first edition of this interesting book on Antarctic Macquarie Island and its nature.

    Published by Rigby, Adelaide in 1971. Octavo, 69 pages plus useful bibliography and index. Nicely illustrated from photographs taken by the author. Very good. Another copy we like this book.

    Isobel Bennett was born in Brisbane and took an interest in Marine Biology at an early age. In her era one of the first females to be accepted into the Australian Antarctic program and onto Macquarie Island.

    A good “history of the island” is followed by a very readable sections on the role of the scientists, and the inhabitants and visitors to the island.

    A very good introduction and background to this lonely outpost.


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  • Australian Shipwrecks – Volume 2 (1851-1871) – Jack Loney

    Australian Shipwrecks – Volume 2 (1851-1871) – Jack Loney

    A first edition published by Reed, Sydney in 1980. Small quarto, 239 pages all in very good condition with a very good to better dust jacket. A few illustrations from period engravings and early photographs.

    Jack Loney’s excellent work on shipwrecks representing part of the Australian Shipwrecks series started by Bateson.

    An essential edition for those interested in wrecks. Follows the usual format with notes on sources followed by a chronology and notes on ships and their wrecking. Index of ships at the end.

    Essential Australian Wreck Book


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