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Natural History

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  • Pig Raising in Tasmania – V.J. Fagan

    Pig Raising in Tasmania – V.J. Fagan

    Published in 1966 when pigs were not as full on the meat rich Australian dinner table – now we like a bit of crackling and as many chooks as we can eat.

    Octavo, 171 pages, Lots of images from photographs, diagrams of various constructions, statistics etc.

    Obviously mass animal husbandry practices have moved on (not sure in which direction) since the 1960’s. However, if your thinking about raising a few oinkers this is a good book to start with.

    It was written at a time when first time hobby farmer types actually made things rather than just going to the wholesaler and buy absolutely everything or where it cannot be bought get the man in.

    Also, we like the careful simplicity without the mention of organics or welfare – it was a time when animals were er looked after like the family.

    So a small investment if you are in say the Huon Valley or Southern Highland of NSW or the Queensland tablelands – get to it!

    For all those pig lover out there


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  • Australian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14. Scientific Reports Series C – Zoology and Botany – Vol VIII Part III – Echinodermata Echinoidea [Urchins].

    Australian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14. Scientific Reports Series C – Zoology and Botany – Vol VIII Part III – Echinodermata Echinoidea [Urchins].

    By Professor Rene Koehler, Lyon France – edited by professor Launcelot Harrison, University of Sydney.

    We have mentioned previously about how long it took to get the scientific reports from Mawson’s expedition published. This one 1926 so twelve years after the event.

    It is alos interesting how widely the field samples were dispersed in this process. This one from Lyon printed in Sydney in French without an English translation. So one for those that have the linguistic capability or the knowledge to interpret, and admire, the thirty three magnificent plates full page plates.

    Large format, soft cover, staple bound as issued, 134 pages of narrative followed the plates, very good condition.

    Cold water urchins given the French treatment with super plates


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  • Antarctica – Reginald Ford

    Antarctica – Reginald Ford

    An unusual facsimile presentation of one of the rarest heroic era publications – the tiny book “Antarctica” which was originally published in New Zealand in 1906.

    A boxed set of items by the Erskine Press issued in 2015 comprising solid black box with a front label copy of the front cover repeated .. inside two postcards – Discovery in Winter Quarters from a painting by A.E. (Uncle Bill) Wilson and A new and accurate map of the islands of the Antarctic etc by Talland Power for the Erskine Press; a stout copy of a broadsheet advertising a lecture “Farthest South” by Mr C Reginald Ford with various positive opinions and press remarks. Also, a 12 page, card covered potted biography of Charles Reginald Ford by Crispin de Boos. And, the said facsimile with linen textured card cover, 32 pages numerous images – a faithful facsimile including the odd light stain from the original.

    Ford was a steward on the Discovery Expedition and was the first person to beak his leg on the Antarctic when he was skiing. He was so well regarded that on return he acted as Scott’s secretary during his extensive leaders lecture tour.

    Try to find an original if you can – the next best thing is this unusual collection from the Polar mad Erskine Press .


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  • Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – Edited Beau Riffenburgh- 2 Volumes

    Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – Edited Beau Riffenburgh- 2 Volumes

    Published by Routledge in 2006 this two-volume set is regarded as the font of all things Antarctica.

    A substantial effort the number of distinguished contributors runs to over a hundred.

    Two quarto volumes, 1,272 pages heavily illustrated with all sorts, high technical level with many maps, charts, explanatory diagrams etc. Very good condition. Weighs in at circa 3.6kgs so not really suitable for Overseas postage.

    The elements relating to the History of Exploration and History of Science are understandably our favourites. Other broader topics include … Atmosphere; Birds; Conservation; Geography; Glaciology; Technology; Oceanography; Physics and astronomy etc.

    It is all here in the Encyclopedia of the Antarctic – more than a winter’s reading


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  • Terre Napoleon – Australia Through French Eyes 1800-1804 – Susan Hunt and Paul Carter.

    Terre Napoleon – Australia Through French Eyes 1800-1804 – Susan Hunt and Paul Carter.

    This is the upmarket hardcover version of this beautiful book published by the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales in association with Hordern House – hence the quality.

    Introduction by subject super expert Jacqueline Bonnemains of the Le Harve Museum where much of the great artwork from the early French expeditions resides.

    Largish quarto, 148 pages, illustrated throughout from the Baudin voyage, many in illuminating colour. A very good if not fine copy in a fine dust jacket.

    Baudin presented and described so well ..


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  • Thirty-Seven Years of Big Game Shooting in Cooch Behar, the Suras and Assam – The Maharajah of Cooch Behar.

    Thirty-Seven Years of Big Game Shooting in Cooch Behar, the Suras and Assam – The Maharajah of Cooch Behar.

    A facsimile of this scarce book originally published in Bombay in 1908. This edition by Wolfe Publishing of Prescott, Arizona published in 1993. Described as a “quality limited edition”.

    Thick large “Royal” octavo, 461 pages, illustrated as the original, large folding map of the region at rear. Bound nicely in faux burgundy morocco, gilt embellishments and title, all edges richly gilt, headbands and silk page marker. A nice production in “as new” condition.

    Described as a “rough diary” covering the period from 1871 to 1907. Set out in XXIX chapters, each dealing with specific expedition or encounters. Precise records of prizes bagged, and the various blunt instruments used carefully listed near the rear.

    Nowadays, not everyone’s “cup of tea” but we consider an important relic of the era and a super travel account of the region.

    For those geographically limited Cook Behar is in the North of West Bengal in the foothills of the Eastern Himalaya.

    The sport of the Maharajah of Cooch Behar.


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