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  • Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography – Robinson (Perry’s Copy)

    Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography – Robinson (Perry’s Copy)

    A first edition published by the University of Chicago Press in 1982.

    Small quarto, 266 pages nicely illustrated as you would expect with the subject. Very good if not fine condition.

    Published map expert Perry’s copy with his name neatly written on the end papers.

    The author Arthur H Robinson was the Professor of cartography at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. He published several works on the broader subject.

    Following a good “Guide to Notes, references and Illustrations” we have chapters on the Appearance of the First Thematic Maps; the New world and a New outlook; Single Maps and Thematic atlases; the Physical World; Maps of people and Their activities; the Social environment etc.

    What makes this book special is the understanding of the development and scope of thematic cartography before the digital age … maybe we have lost something despite the obvious ease ..

    Thematic maps … they inform and make you think


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  • Proceedings and Debates of the House of Commons in 1620 and 1621 – Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt from a Period Manuscript by Sir Edward Nicholas – Two Volumes First Edition 1766

    Proceedings and Debates of the House of Commons in 1620 and 1621 – Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt from a Period Manuscript by Sir Edward Nicholas – Two Volumes First Edition 1766

    Title continues…. Collected by a Member of that House. And now Published from his Original Manuscript, in the Library of Queen’s College, Oxford.

    Published by the Clarendon Press, 1766. Two volumes, octavo, 375 pages and 264 pages after preliminaries and with addendum. Complete, and bound in original mottled calf, spine gilt with raised bands and original red leather title labels. A little age, hinges tender but holding will. A genuine antiquarian look.

    Edited by Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt a classical scholar who had been educated at Eton and Queen’s College, Oxford. In 1756 he was under-secretary of war, and then in 1762 clerk of the House of Commons. The original manuscript is attributed to Sir Edward Nicholas, Member for Winchelsea in 1620/21.

    A scarce and valuable source on the political history of James I. Parliament of the day was a source of funds for James and it did not sit for periods if it incurred his displeasure. The country was in a poor economic state. The period was one when patents were used to create monopolies and hence wealth. Conflict arose were the King who felt that allowing patents was a Royal prerogative and Members sought Parliament to control them for personal gain. There was even an attempt to patent Beggars meaning they would be licenced and have to pay an annual fee to the patent holder!

    Serious history plays out … Edward Coke a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I speaks regularly. He had been England’s leading law maker … tried Raleigh and the Gunpowder Plot Accused. Here later in life he continues his hatred of Sir Francis Bacon (now Viscount St Alban). His investigations discover that Bacon had taken bribes and he was soon off to the Tower.

    James in order to raise money through dowry was planning to marry Prince Charles off to a Spanish Princess. Coke campaigned against this preferring war with Spain. James had had enough and told Parliament that it was to wrap up before its term was due. Coke continued to argue and shortly after these journals he too finds himself in the Tower.

    Floyd made rude remarks about the young Royals and found himself riding backward on a horse holding its tail to three different pillory sites … with a paper in his head defining his crime and then off to a place much worse than the Tower … the Fleet Prison.

    Rare details of Parliamentary goings on when it was more interesting than today.


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  • The Great Pyramid Witness and Near Eastern Nations in the Light of Christ’s Second Coming – Rev Lamb (Sydney) 1928

    The Great Pyramid Witness and Near Eastern Nations in the Light of Christ’s Second Coming – Rev Lamb (Sydney) 1928

    A rather special soft covered second edition of Rev lamb’s book on the second coming and the link to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Self-published in Sydney in 1928.

    Lamb a rather eccentric Reverend with a keen eye for Marketing. His list of five titles could be got at the discounted price of 7/6 if the money was sent directly. His first edition was sold out and given that the second coming would have severe personal consequences it was essential that this book was purchased if you missed the first printing!

    His forward is direct “This book, over which I have earnestly prayed for many days, is now finished. Its message, as in everything else I have previously written, is to convince all who read it that the coming of God’s Son to this world is now right at hand. The intention all through its pages is to make its every reader feel that their chief business now should be that they “May be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” … I shall now pray every day that its mission may in this way be fully realised”

    Lamb, not too keen on this modern theory of Evolution, correctly points out how clever the early Egyptian were any Greek civilisation having been founded on Egyptian intelligent. The destruction of the great library at Alexandria still stands as the worst act of vandalism against culture. The books kept the fires in the bakeries and hot baths etc. going for many months. His references to the Pyramids and the Great pyramid of Giza are a very special account. He recounts the scale, accuracy and quality of construction which is always bewildering to read, how was it really done? And the alignment with the stars. Early views of Sir John Herschel and then, Voyager favourite Piazzi Smyth who calculated the date of construction as 2,170 BC given the backward calculation of the position of Draconis, the Pole Star, being directly aligned with the extraordinary passage at midnight that year. This vent will happen 25,817 years later when the stars will be similarly aligned.

    The book contains more than this of course and his view of the likely consequences of the rise in fascism throughout the world … well we all know what happened.


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  • White Knights of Reykjavik – George Steiner

    White Knights of Reykjavik – George Steiner

    Published by Faber, London in 1973. Full title The Sporting Scene … White Knight etc a somewhat confusing full title. A pretty good copy.

    Well anyone of Voyager’s vintage will remember the confrontation of Fischer and Spassky and all that it stood for. A brilliant book about the event and the genius individuals.

    When chess was a heavyweight sport


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  • Patrolling in Papua – 1923 – First Edition W.R. Humphries

    Patrolling in Papua – 1923 – First Edition W.R. Humphries

    Extremely rare London First 1923. Very good condition bar some occasional foxing. Bright and tight boards as published.

    W.R. (Dickie) Humphries arrived in Papua in 1917 and took over an ambitious patrolling plan under the guidance of Hubert Murray. This excellent book records in detail a number of exploratory expeditions. Taking in Nepa, Tiveris, Kerma and Christmas on the Lakekamu, the Kukukukus and their raids on Nepa. Off into the unknown … ascending Mount Chapman and to the valley at Kwolum, friendly natives (rare) at Biaru and gigantic cigars. Ascending Mount Waria and a close shave. At Dunai-ia strange graves and thumb nails and to Boli, Nele and Morobe before turning back to Kokoda. Nicely illustrated with unique with over 40 photographic images. In 1924 Humphries escorted Frank Hurley on his famous photographic expedition into the Mount Yule area.

    Scarce as they get patrolling expeditions immediately post WWI


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  • New Guinea, Annual Report – 1890 – (Includes exploration of the Fly River, Daumori Regions and Misima Island with Maps and Extensive Analysis of Language and Dialect)

    The nicely bound edition of the Annual Report on British New Guinea, from July 1889, to 30th June 1890, with appendices. A very early and comprehensive report.

    Over approximately 140 pages, and with several accompanying fold-out maps, this annual report examines the year from a number of perspectives including; legislation re ordinances passed and their detail; administration of justice, including courts constituted and remarks on some cases dealt with by the Central Court; administrative visits of inspection, including the ascent of the Fly River, visit to Island of Daumori and a visit to Misima and Tagula; government property, including purchases and acquisitions; establishments, including officers and their salaries; trade, exports, shipping and postal; mission work; land, including a specific European settlement strategy; finance, revenue, expenditure and balance to credit of Protectorate; native dialects, including, amongst many others, Kiwai and Boigu, Misima, Tagula, Sariba and Awaiama, and; scientific results including botanical, zoological, ornithological and coleopterae.

    This plethora of vital contemporary information is accompanied by; a large fold-out sketch map of Cloudy Bay; a large fold-out sketch map of Kiwai and adjoining islands of the Fly River; a large fold-out detailed map of the Fly River; a large fold-out rough sketch of 200 miles of the western portion of British New Guinea, including rivers, compiled from surveys and exploration by the Government of British New Guinea, 14th February to 17th March, 1890; a very large fold-out rough sketch plan of St. Joseph District, British New Guinea, from a map by Bishop Verjus, Admiralty charts and observations in the district, and; a large fold-out rough sketch plan of Hall Sound & Yule Island, showing mouths of St. Joseph and Bioto Rivers.

    An incredibly in depth examination of New Guinea in 1890.


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