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Crime of the True Variety

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  • Man Tracks [With the Mounted Police in Australian Wilds] – Ion Idriess

    Man Tracks [With the Mounted Police in Australian Wilds] – Ion Idriess

    Published by Angus & Robertson 1936, a ninth edition issued one year after the first. The copy of Chicago resident, Idriess friend and admirer, Frances Van Cleef with a note indicating she acquired it in Melbourne on Feb 16, 1937.

    Very good condition, a couple of chips to the dust jacket, very clean and tight internally. A super copy.

    An impressive Idriess book about the Australian Mounted Police up through the Centre, the North and West. Many lively accounts recounted in the normal Idriess way. The photography in this book is special with a number of unique aboriginal images.

    Real Crime solved by Australian Police on Horseback


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  • Michael Howe: The Last and Worst of the Bush rangers of Van Diemen’s Land

    Michael Howe: The Last and Worst of the Bush rangers of Van Diemen’s Land

    A nice facsimile production by The Folio Society, London, published in 1977. With useful introduction by Ian Atkins

    Three copies of the original book are known to exist, one in the Bodleian (from which this facsimile is produced), one in the British Museum and the other in the National Collection, Canberra from which was bought from Maggs in 1946 having been purchased by them at Sotheby’s.

    This original account was the first book of general literature published in Australia, in Hobart Town, in December 1818.

    Nostalgic and interesting in many ways


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  • Account of a Duel between William Bland and Robert Case – George Mackaness – No 41 of 100 Limited and Signed.

    Account of a Duel between William Bland and Robert Case – George Mackaness – No 41 of 100 Limited and Signed.

    George Mackaness’s limited monograph published by the author in Sydney, 1942. Signed boldly by Mackaness and numbered 41 of 100 copies only.

    Mackaness referencing Bland’s own publication on the matter, the title continuing … and the circumstances that led thereto, drawn up for posterity by Dr William Bland. With a Report of the Trial, Rex v Bland, Randall and Fulton, before the Recorder of Bombay, 14th and 17th April 1813 (Extracted from the Bombay Courier) and a Memoir of Dr William Bland.

    Small quarto, 40 pages with illustrations, stiff wrappers in normal Mackaness style, rubbed with some transfer on inside of covers, internally very good.

    Bland one of the most interesting convict identities was sentenced to seven years transportation to Botany Bay for defending his honour and successfully killing Robert Case during a dual at Bombay. The circumstances leading up to the dual are lengthy and a most interesting account of all the carry on that ensues between gentlemen of the time to protect their honour.

    In Sydney it was not long before Bland was pardoned and put his medical training to use. He rose to be an important member of the Colony … but not without a wayward period initially were his penchant for criticising the establishment saw him back in jail.

    Dr Bland an interesting early identity and a good shot!


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  • The Northern Hero – being a faithful Narrative of the Life, Adventures, and deceptions, of James George Semple, Commonly called Major Semple. Scarce Ferguson 18 – Published 1786.

    The Northern Hero – being a faithful Narrative of the Life, Adventures, and deceptions, of James George Semple, Commonly called Major Semple. Scarce Ferguson 18 – Published 1786.

    Extremely scarce, despite being introduced as a “New Edition” with the circumstances of Each Fraud, and the Names of the Parties injured.

    The lengthy title continues major Semple .. alias Major Harrold, Major Maxwell, Major Grant, Major Cunningham, Major Winter etc. With and account of his Devices at lord Salisbury’s, Sir Thomas Dundass’s, and Mr Pitt’s. Also the various Inventions by which he obtained Goods of Tradesmen. The Whole supported by indisputable Authority, with the Names of the Persons who were the Objects of his Depredations. Likewise … and Account of his Trial Before Mt Justice Gould and the Recorder at the Old Bailey on Saturday September 2 for defrauding Mr John Lycett, Coach-maker, in Whitechapel, of a Post-chaise, value fifty Guineas, of which he was Convicted.

    Published by G. Kearsley, Fleet Street and sold by Bookseller, 1786. Octavo 90 pages after half title, frontispiece with engraving by Barlow of Semple in the dock, full title, book advertisements 2 pages, dedication from Compiler 1 page, blank 1 page, list of content 5 pages and Errata 1 page.

    Bound in later quarter mottled polished leather with lavish marbled paper covered boards. Carries previous distinguished ownership bookplates of Nanyce Kent Perry and before that Dr George Mackaness. This being Ferguson No 18 and a manuscript note on the front pastedown “Ferguson Bibliography cites only the copy in Ferguson Collections.

    Some evidence of professional repair to the margin on the frontispiece and some aging occasionally in the text but really a very good copy of a desirable early Ferguson book that cannot be found elsewhere.

    Least to say the Major Semple was a bit of a rogue and a classy one at that. His final comeuppance rested on the fact the it was found that he intended to steal the coach … his defence was that it was a debt that he couldn’t pay … he lost and was sentenced to be taken to Botany Bay. He slipped ship at Rio!

    Priceless Semple … off to Botany Bay in 1786 … or maybe not!


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  • Studies in Murder – Edmund Pearson

    Studies in Murder – Edmund Pearson

    An unusual Modern Library edition given the factual content. A nice 1950′s copy with slightly chipped dust jacket. Top edge stained blue to match jacket as required.

    True crime by American criminologist Pearson famous for his analysis of the Lizzie Borden Murders and the Hauptmann Case. We have catalogued it also under fiction because of his easy story telling style

    Edmund Lester Pearson (1880-1937) was a highly regarded write of real crime … he was also a librarian to Congress which is why he had time to research and write no doubt!

    Person Understood the motive …


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  • Brady McCabe, Dunne, Bryan Crawford, Murphy, Bird McKenney, Goodwin, Pawley, Bryant, Cody, Hodgetts Gregory, Tilley, Ryan Williams and their Associates – Bushrangers in Van Diemen’s Land 1824-1827

    Brady McCabe, Dunne, Bryan Crawford, Murphy, Bird McKenney, Goodwin, Pawley, Bryant, Cody, Hodgetts Gregory, Tilley, Ryan Williams and their Associates – Bushrangers in Van Diemen’s Land 1824-1827

    Another superb folio sized publication by Sullivan’s Cove 1979 number 338 of a limited edition of 750 – in fine condition.

    Based on the text of James Calder originally published in 1873 together with later discovered documents edited beautifully by Eustace Fitzsymonds. Heavy in content as would be expected of an authoritative work. End paper maps assist in the following of the bushranger(y) developments

    Collectable and complete

    A large book will attract Overseas freight supplement … please enquire


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