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Spanish Love [the Girl and the Matador] – Juanita Savage – 1926

Short Description

A 1926 edition of this feisty love story. Not long off a hundred year old and still with a wonderful dust jacket.

Octavo, 316 pages, pages browned a bit; excuse it for its otherwise very good clean condition … still very gift worthy.

Set in Spain, and we love the authors name … adds a bit of ferocity.

Our lady, Dolores Annesley was born of a Spanish mother we are told and hence inherited a certain beauty and power over men. Don Pedro was also no slouch when it came to the romantic game … so with two positive charges we are in for a bit of a roller coaster romance. And, we get it … with paella.

Great guide to romance in Spain if you are heading that way or a few clues for us wishful types.

Price: $40.00

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