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The North Coolgardie and East Murchison Goldfields – Geological Survey Western Australia Bulletin No 45 – H.B. Talbot – 1912

Short Description

Stamped with the authors compliments – Talbot was assisted by R.A. Farquharson who produced petrographical notes.

Published Perth by the Government in 1912. Octavo, original wrappers, 61 pages followed by two very large coloured folding plates – 1 Geological Sketch Map of the Country in the neighbourhood of Lake Barlee, East Murchison and the North Coolgardie Goldfields and, 2 Geological Sketch map of the Country in the neighbourhood of [as above] and Yilgarn Goldfields; 11 figures in the text. Simple Map of WA showing the area covered as frontispiece.

Comprehensive informative analysis taking in various regions – North-east of Diemel’s; Between Diemel’s and the old Youanme well; Between Trainer’s Rocks and Yeedie Bilgar; around Youanme; Southward of the 50-mils Well on the Sandstone Lawlers Road; Between Duello Water Hole and Mt Forrest; West and NW of Mt Ida township; the Mt Ida Greenstone Belt; Eastward of Lake Giles and the Southern End of Lake Barlee etc etc.

Western Australian Goldfields – super original maps.

Price: $100.00

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