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  • Grandfather Clocks and their cases – Brian Loomes

    Grandfather Clocks and their cases – Brian Loomes

    A first edition of this classic work published by David & Charles Newton Abbot, London in 1985.

    Largish quarto, 352 pages, illustrated throughout. A very good if not better copy. Heavy, unsuitable for Overseas postage, subsidised by Voyager in Australia.

    Brian Loomes was a Yorkshireman and new more about clocks than anybody. The book contains images of some of the greatest clocks the likes of which will surely never be made again. Now a collector’s book and maybe for the digitally challenged.

    Classic clocks for clock lovers – tick tock


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  • A Moveable Feast – Hemingway True First Edition -1964 Predates American Edition by one day

    A Moveable Feast – Hemingway True First Edition -1964 Predates American Edition by one day

    “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast”.

    Published by Jonathan Cape, London in 1964. Octavo, 192 pages.

    A bit of age to the jacket, see image, and a previous owner has kindly spot pasted an article about the Shakespeare an Co bookshop in Paris which features in AMF being a favourite Hemingway haunt – as well as Joyce, Pound etc. otherwise very clean, top edge stained red as required. Still a very good example.

    Collectable Hemingway First Edition – our favourite book.


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  • The White Stone – The Story of a Boy From the Bush – Herbert MacIlwaine – Illustrated by Rowlandson – First Edition c1900

    The White Stone – The Story of a Boy From the Bush – Herbert MacIlwaine – Illustrated by Rowlandson – First Edition c1900

    A very good copy of a scarce and impressive book but much published MacIlwaine. Published by Wells Gardner etc, London c1900. Large octavo, pictorial cloth cover, images to spine and rear. Top edge gilt. 408 pages, illustrated throughout by Gardner who was much known for his paintings of horse.

    White Stone is a symbol for optimism and that underlined the contents, albeit given the period narrative there are a few tears, and hugs, along the way.

    Australian Bush Stories from 1900 in a super presentation


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  • The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan – Nister Edition, Illustrated by Walter Paget  – c1900

    The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan – Nister Edition, Illustrated by Walter Paget – c1900

    The Pilgrim’s Progress; From This World to That Which is To Come; Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream.

    This edition was published by Ernest Nister, London circa 1900. Large octavo, 348 pages, striking coloured images to front board and spine, gilt titles … rich colours. Illustrated by the great Walter Paget with 12 full page black and white and five full page coloured plates.

    “As I walked through the Wilderness of this World, I lighted on a certain Place, where was a Den, and laid me down in that Place to sleep: And as I slept, I dreamed a Dream”

    Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress Beautifully Presented


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  • Azurite “Sun” – Copper Mineral, the form,  Unique to Malbunka Copper Mine near Areyonga, Northern Territory.

    Azurite “Sun” – Copper Mineral, the form, Unique to Malbunka Copper Mine near Areyonga, Northern Territory.

    A very nice clean example of a decent sized azurite sun with a couple of smaller examples in the usual kaolinite matrix from the Malbunka Mine.

    Azurite formed by the oxidation and weathering of copper deposits – Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 and this specific indeed unique “sun” structure formed at depth and with high pressure. Monclinic and comes with a variety of colour depths this one Royal to Dark Blue.

    The main sun is 45 mm in diameter and has good crystal definition around its edge. The whole sample weighs 80 gm.

    Azurite “Sun” structure unique to Australia.


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  • Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe – 1790 – Two Volume Illustrated Edition.

    Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe – 1790 – Two Volume Illustrated Edition.

    The full title of one of the world’s most famous books … “The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventure of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River Oroonoque, Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself: With An Account how he was at last as strangely delivered by Pyrates. Written by Himself.” …

    The Second Volume is separately titled … “The Farther Adventures of Robinson being the Second and Last Part of his Life” … to which is appended George Chalmers’s “Life of Daniel Defoe”

    Two volume large octavo set bound in contemporary calf, re-backed beautifully by Perry. Pagination Volume 1 .. viii,[iii]-iv, 493 pages – 9 full page plates: Volume 2 … [2],vi, 483 pages – 7 full pages plates. A very good and desirable Robinson Crusoe set.

    This is the first edition of the Stockdale version with, by far, the best illustrations. Engraved frontispieces and plates by Thomas Stothard.

    Robinson Crusoe the most popular, delightful and extraordinary of all of Daniel Defoe’s works. Loved by Dr Johnson who challenged anyone to put it down easily. By 1790 the text of Robinson Crusoe had become abused by other publishers, reduced and amended. Here, Stockdale reverted to the original text of Defoe to which he added the finest illustrations yet seen in the work.

    Most may know that Defoe was a great follower of William Dampier the first person to circumnavigate the World twice and eventually three times. Dampier was embroiled in the strange goings on resulting in the leaving of Scotsman Alexander Selkirk on Juan Fernandos Island, off the coast of Chile. He also, rather strangely, was pilot on the vessel that was to pick Selkirk up many year later. The story of Selkirk’s solitary life there, goats etc is the basis of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe had the island transported to the mouth of the Orinoco, for marketing purpose one presumes.

    Early and preferred illustrated Stockdale Volumes of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe – 235 Years old.


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