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  • The Great Pyramid Witness and Near Eastern Nations in the Light of Christ’s Second Coming – Rev Lamb (Sydney) 1928

    The Great Pyramid Witness and Near Eastern Nations in the Light of Christ’s Second Coming – Rev Lamb (Sydney) 1928

    A rather special soft covered second edition of Rev lamb’s book on the second coming and the link to the Great Pyramid of Giza. Self-published in Sydney in 1928.

    Lamb a rather eccentric Reverend with a keen eye for Marketing. His list of five titles could be got at the discounted price of 7/6 if the money was sent directly. His first edition was sold out and given that the second coming would have severe personal consequences it was essential that this book was purchased if you missed the first printing!

    His forward is direct “This book, over which I have earnestly prayed for many days, is now finished. Its message, as in everything else I have previously written, is to convince all who read it that the coming of God’s Son to this world is now right at hand. The intention all through its pages is to make its every reader feel that their chief business now should be that they “May be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” … I shall now pray every day that its mission may in this way be fully realised”

    Lamb, not too keen on this modern theory of Evolution, correctly points out how clever the early Egyptian were any Greek civilisation having been founded on Egyptian intelligent. The destruction of the great library at Alexandria still stands as the worst act of vandalism against culture. The books kept the fires in the bakeries and hot baths etc. going for many months. His references to the Pyramids and the Great pyramid of Giza are a very special account. He recounts the scale, accuracy and quality of construction which is always bewildering to read, how was it really done? And the alignment with the stars. Early views of Sir John Herschel and then, Voyager favourite Piazzi Smyth who calculated the date of construction as 2,170 BC given the backward calculation of the position of Draconis, the Pole Star, being directly aligned with the extraordinary passage at midnight that year. This vent will happen 25,817 years later when the stars will be similarly aligned.

    The book contains more than this of course and his view of the likely consequences of the rise in fascism throughout the world … well we all know what happened.


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  • The Sense of Beauty – George Santayana

    The Sense of Beauty – George Santayana

    A period Modern Library edition a bit chipped in the dust jacket still very good.

    The highpoint of American philosophy. Santayana’s work defines beauty … the great work on aesthetic theory

    Beauty defined


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  • Facts in Mesmerism –  With Reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it by Rev Chauncy Hare Townshend – Very Scarce First Edition 1840

    Facts in Mesmerism – With Reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it by Rev Chauncy Hare Townshend – Very Scarce First Edition 1840

    An extremely rare First edition, published by Longman, London 1840

    An extensive study and defence of mesmerism by Chancy Hare Townshend (1798-1868) and English priest, poet, collector of natural history and a man with a passionate interest in mesmerism. He was a good friend of Charles Dickens who dedicated “Great Expectations” to him [Townshend had the manuscript of Great Expectations at the time of his death].

    Mesmerism (named after Franz Mesmer) a hypnosis based on the theory of animal magnetism. Due to its spiritual associations and uncanny effects it was controversial in the early 19th century. Towsnhend describes in detail the mental states mesmerism induces, which he defines as similar to a state of sleepwalking. Fascinating content including the accounts of experiments carried out by the author in which he hypnotised his subjects into feeling his own sensations and possessing knowledge that they could not have known.

    Townshend has quite a Wikipedia write up and the hilarious meeting with poet John Clare is worth a read

    Rare and valuable first edition of an early work on Mesmerism


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  • The Unknown Guest [and Other Essays] – Maurice Maeterlinck

    The Unknown Guest [and Other Essays] – Maurice Maeterlinck

    The Unknown Guest by Nobel Prize winning author, playwright and poet Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck. Published by Methuen, London in 1925 a fourth printing. Bound in original green cloth, 340 pages some flecking to soft paper page edges but generally a pretty good copy of a hard to get book.

    An unusual group of essays including the title offering we have … Phantasms of the Living and the Dead; Psychometry; the Knowledge of the Future and The Elberfield Horses.

    An intellectual potpourri if there ever was one.


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  • The Constitution of Man – George Combe – 1871

    The Constitution of Man – George Combe – 1871

    An 1871 edition of this important book published by MacLachlan and Stewart, Edinburgh. Over 350 page in very good condition still tight in its original cloth binding with rich dark green endpapers.

    George Combe (1788-1858) was an ardent phrenologist and writer. Born in Edinburgh he founded the Edinburgh Phrenological Society in 1820. He led the field there for over twenty years and this was his great work.

    Originally a lawyer with a successful practice. In 1816 Johann Spurzheim came to Edinburgh and Combe was invited to a private dissection of the human brain which greatly impressed him. This spurred him on to make his own investigations and he was satisfied that the fundamental principles of phrenology were sound, namely “that the brain is the organ of the mind; that the brain is an aggregate of several parts, each subserving a distinct mental faculty; and that the size of the cerebral organ is, caeteris paribus, and index of power or energy of function”.

    Many of the principles set out in The Constitution of Man would challenge modern morality.

    Combe – Distinguished in his field


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  • Hafed – Prince of Persia – Duguid and Nisbet

    Hafed – Prince of Persia – Duguid and Nisbet

    A sixth edition published in London by Foulsham and Glasgow by Nisbet in 1923. Original green cloth binding, a substantial book of 579 pages, a clean copy with a religious picture pasted in at the rear and with manuscript reference notes to the text inside back cover. A very good copy.

    The lengthy title page explains … His Experiences in Earth-Life and Spirit-Life being Spirit Communications received through Mr David Duguid, the Glasgow Trance Painting Medium, with an Appendix, containing Communications from Spirit Artists, Ruisadal and Steen. Illustrated by fac-similes of various Drawings and Writings the Direct Work of the Spirits

    Originally published in 1876, taken down in notes by the publisher Hay Nisbet, and representing Duguid’s famous guide “Hafed”. Dictated in 46 sittings between 1870 and 1871. The climax of his story was reached when he revealed that he conducted the expedition of the Three Wise Men to Judea to the cradle of Jesus. He was summoned by his guardian spirit to go on the journey with two brother magi and take rich gifts to the babe. He described the youthful years of Jesus that are not chronicled in the Gospels. According to his story, he travelled with Jesus in Persia, India, and many other countries and marvelled at the miracles the young child performed. After the martyrdom of Jesus he became a Christian himself, met Paul in Athens, preached the gospel in Venice and Alexandria, and finally perished at age 100 in the arena at Rome.

    Hafed Travelled with Jesus and told Duguid


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