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The Geology of the Broken Hill District – E.C. Andrews – 1922 – along with the Supplement of 1923.

Short Description

Memoir No 8 of The Geological Survey of New South Wales – probably the most important and certainly the most comprehensive / voluminous.

Large thick quarto (25cn x 32cm) xx, 432 pages, 124 plates, numerous maps, plans and diagrams.

Light ageing to the original heavy boards, very clean inside a super copy of a now scarce item, rarely together with the Supplementary item, quarto, same dimensions, 28 pages and nine excellent coloured plates of mineral specimens.

The principal work produced by William Gullick, Government Printer, Sydney - the Supplement by Alfred Kent also appointed Government Printer – maybe a specialist in the colour plates.

A heavy item and an Overseas postage supplement may be required - please enquire we can be helpful.

Ernest Clayton Andres (1870-1948) another legend from the “golden era” of Australian geology – disciple of Edgeworth David. Had a tough upbringing but still managed to get to Sydney University to study mathematics. It was there he met Edgeworth David. Taught but continued to study chemistry and geology. Presented his first geological paper in 1898 on the Bathurst region. Did much work on coral reefs [using Agassiz material]. This work and the later Mineral Industry of New South Wales [1928] are considered epics. Highly praised and prized – Lyell Medal London Royal Geological Society. His entry in the official Australian Dictionary of Biography well worth the read.

Important substantial geological work together with its supplement.

Price: $790.00

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