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Kaleidoscope – E.R. Jim Henry

Short Description

A solid humorous memoir by Tasmanian legal identity and raconteur Eric Rutherford “Jim” Henry. A funny man – author of self described best seller “Revelations of a Retired Lawyer” –

The first page of this book proves he had not lost his wit – a man that definitely wore his heart on his sleeve. Not quite the Dubliner's but there is also some gossip in here. Not only good with the law and the pen he could hold a tennis racket with some style and success.

Self published in 1981 and signed, soft cover, perfect bound, 242 pages, lots of images from photographs. If you went to Hutchins then this should be on your shelf.

Call me “Jim” Henry and his life and observations with fun and information thrown in.

Price: $30.00

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